Chapter 3: Using the Web Interface
Sample Environmental-Sensor-Level Event Rule
In this example, we want the PDU to activate the load shedding function when a contact closure sensor enters the alarmed
state. This event rule requires creating a new action before creating the rule.
Step 1: create a new action for activating the load shedding
Choose Device Settings > Event Rules >
In this illustration, assign the name "Activate Load Shedding" to the new action.
In the Action field, select "Change load shedding state."
In the Operation field, select Start Load Shedding.
Click Create to finish the creation.
After the new action is created, follow the procedure below to create an event rule that triggers the load shedding mode
when the contact closure sensor enters the alarmed state. This event rule involves the following:
Event: Peripheral Device Slot > Slot 1 > State Sensor/Actuator > Alarmed/Open/On
Trigger condition: Alarmed
Action: Activate Load Shedding
Step 2: create the contact closure-triggered load shedding event rule
on the Event Rules page.
In this illustration, assign the name "Contact Closure Triggered Load Shedding" to the new rule.
In the Event field, select "Peripheral Device Slot" to indicate we are specifying an event related to the environmental
sensor package.
Select the ID number of the desired contact closure sensor. In this illustration, the ID number of the desired contact
closure sensor is 1, so select Slot 1.
Note: ID numbers of all sensors/dry contacts are available on the Peripherals page. See Peripherals (on page 56).
Select "State Sensor/Actuator" because the contact closure sensor is a state sensor.
Select "Alarmed" since we want the PDU to respond when the selected contact closure sensor changes its state
related to the "alarmed" state.
In the "Trigger condition" field, select the Alarmed/Open/On radio button so that the action is taken only when the
contact closure sensor enters the alarmed state.
Select "Activate Load Shedding" from the Available Actions list.