Chapter 3: Using the Web Interface
Click Save.
Regarding AES ciphers:
The PDU’s SSL/TLS-based protocols, including SMTP over StartTLS, support AES 128- and 256-bit ciphers. The exact
cipher to use is negotiated between the PDU and the client (such as a web browser), which is impacted by the cipher
priority of the PDU and the client's cipher availability/settings.
Tip: If intending to force the PDU to use a specific AES cipher, refer to your client's user documentation for information on
configuring AES settings.
Changing SSH Settings
You can enable or disable the SSH access to the command line interface, change the TCP port, or set a password or
public key for login over the SSH connection.
To change SSH settings:
Choose Device Settings > Network Services > SSH.
To enable or disable the SSH access, select or deselect the checkbox.
To use a different port, type a port number.
Select one of the authentication methods.
Password authentication only: Enables the password-based login only.
Public key authentication only: Enables the public key-based login only.
Password and public key authentication: Enables both the password- and public key-based login. This is the
Click Save.
If the public key authentication is selected, you must enter a valid SSH public key for each user profile to log in over the
SSH connection. See
(on page 71).
Changing Telnet Settings
You can enable or disable the Telnet access to the command line interface, or change the TCP port.
To change Telnet settings:
Choose Device Settings > Network Services > Telnet.
To enable the Telnet access, select the checkbox.
To use a different port, type a new port number.