Chapter 3: Using the Web Interface
Tip: If intending to force the PDU to use a specific AES cipher, refer to your client's user documentation for information on
configuring AES settings.
Gathering LDAP/Radius Information
It requires knowledge of your AAA server settings to configure the PDU for external authentication. If you are not familiar
with these settings, consult your AAA server administrator for help.
Information needed for LDAP authentication:
The IP address or hostname of the LDAP server
Whether the Secure LDAP protocol (LDAP over TLS) is being used
If Secure LDAP is in use, consult your LDAP administrator for the CA certificate file.
The network port used by the LDAP server
The type of the LDAP server, usually one of the following options:
If using an OpenLDAP server, consult the LDAP administrator for the Bind Distinguished Name (DN) and
Microsoft Active Directory
If using a Microsoft Active Directory server, consult your AD administrator for the name of the Active Directory
Bind Distinguished Name (DN) and password (if anonymous bind is NOT used)
The Base DN of the server (used for searching for users)
The login name attribute (or AuthorizationString)
The user entry object class
The user search subfilter (or BaseSearch)
Information needed for Radius authentication:
The IP address or host name of the Radius server
Authentication protocol used by the Radius server
Shared secret for a secure communication
UDP authentication port and accounting port used by the Radius server