Chapter 3: Using the Web Interface
The system prompts you to save or open the file. Click Save.
Email this file as instructed by Technical Support.
Viewing Hardware Failures
Using the web interface, you can view any hardware issues your PDU has detected, including current and past
To display hardware failure information:
Choose Maintenance > Hardware Failures.
The Hardware Failures page appears.
The page is divided into Current Hardware Failures and Past Hardware Failure sections.
Note: Current hardware failures, if any, also appear on the Alarms section of the dashboard. See Alarms (on page 29).
Hardware issues
Network device not detected
A specific networking interface of the PDU is not detected.
I2C Bus stuck
A specific I2C bus is stuck, which affects the communication with sensors.
Slave controller not reachable
Communication with a specific slave controller fails.
Slave controller malfunction
A specific slave controller does not work properly.
Outlet power state inconsistent
The physical power state of a specific outlet is different from the chosen
power state set by the software.
Resetting Your PDU via Unit Reset
You can remotely reboot the PDU via the web interface.
Resetting the PDU does not interrupt the operation of connected components because there is no loss of power to outlets.