OmegaPATPlus / BetaPATPlus Measurements
To edit parameters, press the F1 function key first. Use
cursor keys to select
the parameter you want to edit. By using
cursor keys adjust the selected
parameter. Press F1 function key again to confirm the selected settings.
Press the START key to perform measurement.
The measurement can be aborted by pressing STOP key at any time. The actual result
is shown on the display during the measurement. After measurement time has elapsed
the last measured value is displayed, and PASS or FAIL indication appears on the
display (based on the high limit leakage value).
Examples of substitute leakage current measurement results
Press START key to repeat the test or press ESC key to return to the
Single test
Consider any displayed warning before starting measurement!
Substitute leakage current may differ substantially from that of conventional
leakage current test because of the way the test is performed. For example, the
difference in both leakage measurements will be affected by the presence of
neutral to earth noise suppression capacitors.
6.4 Leakage current and power
The purpose of this test is to determine the sum of all leakages flowing from the live
conductor to the earth. Because the differential method for determining leakage current
is used the full and true appliance leakage current is always measured, even when
parallel current paths to ground exist in the appliance.
The apparent power of the appliance is also measured at the same time as leakage
current. By checking the power an efficient functional test can be performed.
Measuring of leakage current and power