OmegaPATPlus / BetaPATPlus Measurements
Do not disconnect the appliance under test from the instrument during the
measurement or before it is automatically discharged!
6.3 Substitute leakage current
Leakage currents between live conductors and isolated accessible metal parts (housing,
screws, handles etc.) are checked with this test. Capacitive leakage paths are included
in the result too. The test measures the current flowing at a test voltage of 40 VAC and
the result is scaled to the value of a nominal mains supply voltage of 230 VAC.
6.3.1 Substitute leakage current on class I appliances
The instrument measures the substitute leakage current between:
main test socket (L+N) and PE test terminals,
LN and PE test sockets.
Measurement of substitute leakage current of class I appliance
Measurement of substitute leakage current of fixed installed appliances of class I
6.3.2 Substitute leakage current on class II appliances
The instrument measures leakage current between:
main test socket (L+N) and S test terminals,
LN and S test sockets.