Establishing IP connections
© MAYAH Communication GmbH
from the callee is then forwarded to the caller. The same happens to a “200/OK” message.
The “ACK” message may then be sent directly to the callee, since the caller may have
learned the current address of the callee.
Please note that from the point of view of any of the involved user agents the session
establishment is not differing from the simple call flow in 2.2.3). The proxy server (or
servers) are completely transparent to the user agents.
3 Configuration steps on side
3.1 Codec settings
Configure the codec settings via menu item Settings/Codec:
Interface: IP/RTP
Encoder dependency: Remote
Encoder algorithm: Algorithm supported by the other side codec
Decoder dependency: Remote
3.2. Establish Connection
Click the CONNECT button to open the Connect-dialog:
Select interface to IP
Select SIP
Type in the SIP address
Click the OK-button to establish connection