MA Lighting Technology GmbH . Dachdeckerstr. 16 . D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn . eMail: [email protected]
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2 . 3 DMX List -Single Channel-specific Adjustments for the Current
DMX List -Single Channel-specific Adjustments for the Current
DMX List -Single Channel-specific Adjustments for the Current
DMX List -Single Channel-specific Adjustments for the Current
DMX List -Single Channel-specific Adjustments for the Current
Press the
PATCH SHEETS key in the Full or Live Access menu to activate this menu.
This menu will only display the actually patched channels. All changes made
here will only affect the current
- This column will show the
, addressed DMX channel.
- Will show the ID for Channel and Fixture. The IDs can be changed without affecting the show, e.g. for a better
display on the Fixture Sheet.
- The name of fixtures and dimmer channels assigned to the individual DMX channels.
- The functions of the individual DMX channels.
- In this column, a profile can be assigned to this channel.
Creating, Assigning and Deleting Profiles
Within this column, the respective DMX channel can be inverted. A click into the cell will activate this
function. Press the Encoder (right to the Display). Select Yes for „Inverted“, No for „not inverted“ or Original
(Library setting will be used) and accept them by pressing the Encoder one more time. An inverted channel will
be indicated by a YES in the respective cell. These inverted channels are not used for the visualizer; this
means, that movements in the visualizer and on stange will differ.
DEFAULT: This value will be output if no CUE, Sequence, Preset or Direct Access addresses the fixture or
dimmer channel.
This setting can be used for PAN/TILT so that a moving light can start being manipulated from a sensible and
optimum position. You can change values by selecting the cell and adjust it by using the right Encoder (below
the Display). These values can be set by selecting the respective cell with a click. n.
- The HIGHLIGHT function is used to temporarly override a fixtures current settings making it easier to see on
stage and speed up the procedure of programming positions of the selected fixtures. The HIGHLIGHT values for
individual DMX channels can be set by selecting the respective cell with a click. A value can then be entered
within the activated window. You can adjust the value by using the second Encoder (below the Display).
STAGE (not yet available in version)
SNAP: New values for this channel will ignore cue timing and will execute in 0 seconds. Activate by a click on
the cell. Press the Encoder (right of the Display). Select Yes for SNAP or No for FADE and accept by pressing the
Encoder one more time. A YES in the respective cell will indicate that SNAP has been chosen for this channel.
The default for all DMX channels is to follow cue timing.
- FADE: A value can be changed slowly (channel can fade).
This is only a pre-setting for each individual channel and can easily be changed during programming, if needed.
Fixture or Channel P
Fixture or Channel P
Fixture or Channel P
Fixture or Channel P
Fixture or Channel Patch menu
atch menu
atch menu
atch menu
atch menu
In both of these menus you can patch fixtures. And you can define standard settings for each fixtur