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. Operating Manual grandMA Version 5.4
Micro - Assignment Menu; only one button
can assingned here
previously overriding it (LTP).
Off: Switches the Executor off so that it no longer outputting cue data to stage.
Rate 1: Puts the RATE FADER to 50% position (
RATE Fader
RATE Fader
RATE Fader
RATE Fader
RATE Fader
Learn: Direct entering of the Chaser speed. When pressing this button at least three times, the Chaser speed is
<<<: Playback of the previous cue without FADE or SNAP times.
>>>: Playback of the next cue without FADE or SNAP times.
Temp: A Cue or chaser plays back as long as the button is pressed. Upon releasing the button, previous
condition will be restored.
Top: Resets the Sequence to the first cue.
Empty: Button has no function.
Flash: Sets the Dimmer channels in the current cue to 100% of their programmed value. Starts the sequence,
if not already activated.
Out: Sets the Dimmer channels in the current cue to 0% of their programmed value. Starts the sequence, if not
already activated..
Toggle: To switch on and off the Sequence or Chaser.
Fix: Will fix sequence or chaser on this executor, even when switching PAGES here (this will be displayed by an
orange background in the small EXECUTOR window).
Load: Pressing the button on the right TFT display will open a chart for this sequence where you can select and
directly load the next cue to be played back in the sequence (LOAD CUE). Start the cue using the GO button.
Select: Makes this executor the Master Sequence.
Swop: As long as the button is pushed all other dimmer channels are faded out, except with executors, where
„Swop Protected“ has been activated.
Kill: Has the same function as GO, but will switch off all running Executors.
With the Size of Executor buttons 1 – 5, you can define how many faders and buttons are available for
controlling your sequence on EXECUTOR FADERs, and whether one to five buttons could be used for EXECUTOR
The respective titles will be displayed on the TFT display above the EXECUTOR FADERS. When the LIST function is
active, the function of the EXECUTOR buttons will be displayed above these buttons (press LIST key).
Default Button and Fader Assignment
Default Button and Fader Assignment
Default Button and Fader Assignment
Default Button and Fader Assignment
Default Button and Fader Assignment
Pressing the “Save as default“ key will store the current settings as default settings in the Default Button/Fa-
der menu. For each option (1-5 Faders or 1-5 Buttons, Sequences or Chasers), there is a default that can be
Pressing the “Load from default“ key will load the stored default settings and use them for this Executor.
Pressing the “Apply to all Exec“ will overwrite
all Fader or Button Executors. The prerequisite is, however, an