Operator’s Manual: ThermoJet
Chapter 5: Display Screens
© SP Industries, Inc.
200-31974-999 Rev. 009
C. Set Up Screen
- From the Utilities screen (Fig. 16), select the “Set Up” button and the screen
depicted below will display. From the Set Up screen, the operator can access the following
1. Nozzle Limit Temperature Calibration (NLTC) Screen
2. About Screen (software Rev)
3. Date and Time Screen
4. Compressor
5. Heater Output Values
6. System Maintenance Screen
7. Alarm
An brief explanation of these screens follows.
Figure 20 – Set Up Screen
1. Nozzle Limit Temperature Calibration (NLTC) –
(Please refer to page 22 for full
description of NLTC.) If the system is moved to a new location, FTS recommends that the NLTC
process be re-run. This will insure optimum system performance and operator safety. The
process can be entered through the following screens: Utilities / Set Up, press the Calculate
temperature limits button, then press START. The system will automatically default to its
maximum parameters before re-calculating the new heater output values.
Set Up Screen
Main Menu