Operator’s Manual: ThermoJet
Chapter 5: Display Screens
© SP Industries, Inc.
200-31974-999 Rev. 009
Pressing the “load save” button will display the screen depicted in Figure 14. Here the operator
can save the current program under a unique alphanumeric name or load a previously saved
program from memory. The alphanumeric name can contain up to 12 characters and up to 47
programs may be stored.
Figure 14 – Load/Save Screen
Enter the filename to be loaded, saved, or deleted in the text field. The buttons operate as
Loading -
To load a program press the load button next to the filename.
Saving -
will save the current program step parameters under the filename entered in the text
field. Once a filename is stored it will appear in the stored program list (upper right hand corner).
Only programs listed in the stored program list are available for loading.
Deleting -
will delete the program step parameters for the filename entered in the text field and
remove the filename from the stored program list.
Load/Save Screen
Text entry field
12 character
alphanumeric name
Save current program
under specified name
Delete program
specified in text field
Ability to store up
to 47 programs
Duplicate file
name warning
Program memory
full message
Stored programs