QuadroM 32x/8L/26x/12Li/26xi Manual II: Administrator's Guide
Administrator’s Menus
QuadroM 32x/8L/26x/12Li/26xi; (SW Version 5.2.x)
Line Status
E1/T1 Trunk
displays the list of available timeslots (in
E1 mode, 30 active timeslots both for CAS and CCS signaling types; in T1
mode, 24 timeslots for CAS signaling and 23 timeslots for CSS signaling
type) and their settings (
Route Incoming Call to
Allowed Call Type
Timeslot State
). When Timeslot is in the call, information about call
direction (incoming or outgoing),
Caller Party
Called Party
is displayed.
Fig. II-21: Line Status – Line Status page for E1/T1 trunk
E1/T1 Channel Usage Statistics
page consists of following
components used to define the chart parameters:
checkboxes are only present when there is more than one E1/T1
trunks present on the Quadro. These checkboxes are used to select the
E1/T1 trunk number(s) over which the E1/T1 traffic chart will be built. At
least one
checkbox should be selected, otherwise error message
Time Range of Statistic Table
drop down list includes the period (in days)
statistics data that is to be collected and the corresponding diagram chart
that is to be built.
Incoming Calls
- number of incoming E1/T1 calls
Outgoing Calls
- number of outgoing E1/T1 calls
Maximum Active Calls
- number of maximum active E1/T1 calls
At least one of these checkboxes should be selected, otherwise error
message appears.
Fig. II-22: E1/T1 Channel Usage Statistics page