QuadroM 32x/8L/26x/12Li/26xi Manual II: Administrator's Guide
Moderator's Menus
QuadroM 32x/8L/26x/12Li/26xi; (SW Version 5.2.x)
page only after conference recording termination. In case of
, the recorded file is not terminated. In case of
recording starts in new file.
The table of participants on this page lists all preconfigured participants (independent of the conference status), as well as new participants joined
the conference (if still connected to the conference) and those participants added from the handset or GUI (unless the conference is terminated).
For the active conference, the table also displays participants added manually from GUI or from the handset and those participants that called in to
the conference.
Conference Progress
table contains the following information for each participant.
– this information is specific to manually added participants only (see below).
SIP Address
– indicates the SIP address of the participant.
Participant Type
– indicates whether the participant is a speaker or a listener only.
Participant Indication
– indicates whether or not a beep indication during the call conference is configured for this participant to be played when he
joins or leaves the conference.
Participant Status
– this column is only present for active conferences and indicates the state of the participant (active for participants currently in
the conference, not active for participants not in the conference, and joining for participants currently joining but not yet connected to the conference).
Nested Conference
– indicates if the participant acts as a nested conference or not.
Request to Speak
- this column is only present for active conferences and indicates whether a listener participant has requested to speak (by dialing
from the handset, see Feature Codes). When a listener participant requests to speak, a hand-up icon appears in this column. Clicking on the hand
icon in this column will grant the speaker permission to the corresponding participant. Participant with the speaker permissions are able to speak to
the conference.
The following functional buttons are present on
Conference Progress
page to manipulate with the participants in the conference:
functional button opens the
Add Participant
page where a new participant can be manually added to the conference. The
Progress – Add Participant
page consists of the following components:
Participant Name
requires optional information (first name, last name,
nickname, etc.) about the participant.
SIP Address/Tel. number
requires the contact phone number (SIP address
or Routing Number) of the participant. This number automatically will be
dialed by the system when the participant is configured to be a Dial Out (see
below) or when a corresponding Conference Code is used (see Conference
The participant’s SIP address should be a combination of
username@hostaddress:port (where hostaddress can be an IP address, for
example,, or a host name, e.g., sip.epygi.com). The port
number is optional for the SIP address. If no port is specified, 5060 will be
used. The range of valid ports is between 1024 and 65536.
Please Note:
A direct call will be placed toward a participant’s SIP address if
the corresponding conference is registered on a different SIP server than the
participant is registered on, or if the participant is not registered on any SIP
The value will be implied as a Routing Number and will be parsed through
the Call Routing table if it does not match the SIP URI syntax.
Participant Type
list is used to select the type (speaker or listener) of
participant in the conference.
Fig. II-5: Conference Progress – Add Participant Page
Confirmation Type
list is used to set the password protection for the participant joining the active conference.
Star (*)
selection allows the
participant to accept the conference invitation by pressing the
button. Only participants connected to the conference with the moderator password
will be provided with permissions to manipulate the conference.
A group of checkboxes on this page allow configuration of participant specific settings:
When the
Dial Out
checkbox is selected, the participant will be automatically dialed out when the conference is activated.
Participant Indication
enables the beep indication during the conference when this participant joins or leaves the conference.
Nested Conference
must be selected if the participant is a Conference itself and enables the correct behavior of conference termination.
Allow Duplicated Participation
checkbox allows multiple participants with the selected Caller ID (calling address) to join the
corresponding conference. This is applicable when different participants are using the same shared number to place a call.
Dial Out
functional button is used call one or more inactive participant(s) inviting them to join the conference.
removes the selected participants from the conference.
Set Speaker
functional button is used to grant selected participants a speaker's permissions. A participant with speaker permissions is able to speak
to the conference.