Application manual
Air quality multisensor and regulator EK-ES2-TP
Release 1.0 - Updated: 14/02/2020
Application Manual
© EKINEX S.p.A. - All rights reserved
Page 91
Speed 2 (2nd stage) – The speed is activated when the room temperature value is lower than the value
– Threshold TS2 - Hysteresis) and deactivated when the room temperature value reaches the value
– Threshold TS2); the second speed is also deactivated when speed V3 needs to be activated.
Speed 3 (3rd stage) – The speed is activated when the room temperature value is lower than the value
– Threshold TS3 - Hysteresis) and deactivated when the room temperature value reaches the value
– Threshold TS3).
The parameter
Speed control hysteresis
in ETS application program represents the hysteresis value which is
common to all speed stages and unified for heating and cooling.
As for the intercept valve of the water exchange coil (2-pipe system) or the intercept valve of the water heating
coil (4-pipe system), a 2-point hysteresis algorithm can be used in the application program, operating on the
same Setpoints. When the room the temperature is lower than the value (T
) the device sends
the valve activation command; the intercept valve is deactivated when the room temperature reaches the T
value and simultaneously the fan speed 1 deactivates. In this way, you can avoid the formation of the black
“blows” on the wall which are caused by the circulation of water inside the coil without heat exchange.
The diagram on the right in Picture 16 refers to the speed control of the fan-coil (with 3-stage operation) in air
conditioning mode. Please note that for each speed, two thresholds values are assigned, one for activation
and one for deactivation. The thresholds values are specified in the ETS application program, and their effect
can be summarized as follows:
Speed 1 (1st stage) – The speed is activated when the room temperature value is lower than the value
+ Threshold TS1 + Hysteresis) and deactivated when the room temperature value reaches the value
+ Threshold TS1); the first speed is also deactivated when a higher speed needs to be activated. The
default value for Threshold TS1 parameter is 0 K.
Speed 2 (2nd stage) – The speed is activated when the room temperature value is lower than the value
+ Threshold TS2 + Hysteresis) and deactivated when the room temperature value reaches the value
+ Threshold TS2); the second speed is also deactivated when speed V3 needs to be activated.
Speed 3 (3rd stage) – The speed is activated when the room temperature value is lower than the value
+ Threshold TS3 + Hysteresis) and deactivated when the room temperature value reaches the value
+ Threshold TS3).
As for the intercept valve of the water exchange coil (2-pipe system) or the intercept valve of the water heating
coil (4-pipe system), a 2-point hysteresis algorithm can be used in the application program, operating on the
same Setpoints. When the room the temperature is lower than the value (T
) the device sends
the valve activation command; the intercept valve is deactivated when the room temperature reaches the T
value and simultaneously the fan speed 1 deactivates.
Both figures refer to a 3-speed fan coil control. For 2-speed and 1-speed case all information in this paragraph
apply, with the onyl difference that not all speeds will be controlled.
In fancoils applications, where both heating and cooling modes are active, the activations thresholds are the
same on the 2 operating modes.
In order to coordinate the fan action with the intercept valve of the exchange coil, you need to properly choose
the right hysteresis values: for instance, by selecting the parameters
Threshold first speed
= 0 K and
control hysteresis
= 0,3 K in
folder, the parameter
in the
Heating and/or cooling
must be 0,3 K in order to guarantee that the valve on the exchange coil will be open when speed 1 is activated.