Application manual
Air quality multisensor and regulator EK-ES2-TP
Release 1.0 - Updated: 14/02/2020
Application Manual
© EKINEX S.p.A. - All rights reserved
Page 38
• radiators;
• electric heaters;
• fancoils;
• radiant panels;
• dehumidification units;
• radiant radiators (as auxiliary system);
• radiant fancoils (as auxiliary system);
• radiant dehumidification units.
Heating/cooling switchover
The switchover between the two seasonal modes (heating / cooling) may happens as follows:
automatically by the device;
from the KNX bus through a dedicated communication object.
Automatic switch-over (mode 1)
The automatic switch-over is suitable for a 4-pipe hydraulic configuration of the heating/cooling installation
(used e.g. for fan-coil units or ceiling radianti panels). Also in this case the information can be sent on the bus
with the output communication object [DPT 1.100 heat/cool]; the difference from the first mode is that switching
is performed automatically on the basis of a comparison between the values of the actual temperature and the
setpoint temperature. In this mode, the manual switching by the user is disabled.
The automatic switch-over is realised with the introduction of a neutral zone according to the scheme shown
in Picture 7.
Until the actual (measured) temperature is located below the setpoint value for the heating, the operation is
heating; in the same way, if the actual value (measured) is greater than the setpoint value for the cooling, the
mode is cooling. If the actual value (measured) temperature is within the dead zone, the previous mode of
operation remains active; the switching point of the operation mode for heating / cooling must take place in
correspondence with the current setpoint for the active HVAC, in the same way the switching cooling / heating
must take place at the setpoint for heating.
Switch-over via KNX bus (mode 3)
The switch-over from the bus requires that the command is received from another KNX device, e.g. another
room temperature controller or a Touch&See unit configured to this purpose. The other device works in this
way as a “supervisor” device: the switch-over is triggered by the input communication object [DPT 1.100
heat/cool]. In this mode the manual switch-over by an enduser is disabled. Thanks to this mode, the supervising
OFF (protection)
32 °C
28 °C
26 °C
24 °C
8 °C
16 °C
18 °C
20 °C
Dead zone
Picture 7 - Neutral zone and example of setpoint values correctly distributed