Application manual
Air quality multisensor and regulator EK-ES2-TP
Release 1.0 - Updated: 14/02/2020
Application Manual
© EKINEX S.p.A. - All rights reserved
Page 50
necessary to provide additional safety measures to prevent or restrict the accidental formation of condensation
on cold surfaces.
From a general point of view, the anticondensation protection function can be realized:
by installing a proper room anticondensation probe; when this is active, the hydraulic circuit closes
down. It is a passive protection, because the intervention takes place when condensation has already
by calculating the dew-point temperature and confronting it with the conveying fluid flow temperature.
If the critical condition for condensation is approaching, you can intervene by closing down the
hydraulic circuit or adjusting the mixing conditions of the conveying fluid. This is an active protection
because the goal is to prevent the condensation.
Anticondensation protection
by probe (via bus)
The thermostat receives the information about condensation via bus from a
different KNX device through communication object 33: Anticondensation (from
bus) [DPT 1.001 switch].
Anticondensation protection
with comparison between
flow temperature (constant
projected value, set as
parameter on ETS and dew-
point temperature (calculated
by the thermostat)
Software protection that intervenes by closing down the room cooling circuit
when the flow temperature defined in the hydronic project (as set in the
corresponding ETS parameter) is lower than dew-point temperature calculated
by the room thermostat using temperature and relative humidity values. The
communication object involved is 57: Cooling out command [DPT 1.001 switch].
Anticondensation protection
with comparison between
flow temperature (constant
projected value, set as
parameter on ETS and dew-
point temperature (calculated
by the thermostat)
Software protection that intervenes by closing down the room cooling circuit
when the actual measured flow temperature and received via bus from a
different KNX device is lower than dew-point temperature calculated by the
room thermostat using temperature and relative humidity values. The
communication objects involved are 27 at input: Flow temperature (from bus)
[DPT 9.001 temperature °C] and 57: Cooling out command [DPT 1.001 switch].
Anticondensation protection
with dew-point temperature
sending over the bus and
adjustment of the flow
Software protection that foresees the sending on the bus of the dew-point
temperature calculated by the room thermostat using temperature and relative
humidity values to a KNX device capable of controlling the mixing condition of
the conveying fluid for the cooling circuit. The regulation is performed by the
KNX device receiving the dew-point temperature sent by the thermostat. The
communication object involved is 73: Dew-point temperature [DPT 9.001
temperature °C].
Table 3 - Anticondensation protection modes
If an anticondensation sensor is used, it is necessary use a device provided with a potential-free signalling
contact. It is possible to connect the signalling contact to an input channel of another KNX device, e.g. a
pushbutton interface or a binary input (External sensors (from bus)
Anticondensation sensor = enabled). In
this case the signal of the sensor is transmitted to the room temperature controller through the status of a
communication object (case 1b described in Table 3).
If the comparison between dew-point temperature calculated by the thermostat and flow temperature of the
conveying fluid is used, there are 3 options:
if the flow temperature value is not available (case 2a of Table 3), you can insert the value used in the
project (parameter Flow temperature (projected));
if the flow temperature value is available (case 2b of Table 3), you enable the Anticondensation Active
parameter for comparison;
if an bus actuator capable of intervention on the conveying fluid’s mixing is available, the thermostat
sends on the bus the calculated value of the dew-point temperature; this parameter has to be enabled
in the
Relative humidity control
Calculated psychrometric values