Application manual
Air quality multisensor and regulator EK-ES2-TP
Release 1.0 - Updated: 14/02/2020
Application Manual
© EKINEX S.p.A. - All rights reserved
Page 16
Temperature sensor
The integrated temperature sensor allows the measure of the room temperature in the range from 0 °C to
+40 °C with a resolution of 0.1 °C. To keep into account significant environmental interferences such as the
proximity to heatsources, the installation on an outer wall, the chimney effect due to rising warm air through
the corrugated tube connected to the wall-mounting box, the measured value can be corrected by means of a
offset of ± 5 K or, preferably, can be used a weighted average value between two values of temperature chosen
from the following ones: value measured by the integrated sensor, value measured by a temperature sensor
connected to one of the inputs of the device, value received via bus from any KNX device (e.g., ekinex
In Picture 6, the temperature sensor is placed in position (1).
Relative Humidity sensor
The relative humidity sensor allows to measure the room relative humidity value. This value can be used to
manage an advance room thermal regulation and to enlarge the safety working conditions for some cooling
terminal systems.
In the next chapters, a detailed explanation on how the relative humidity value can be sent over the bus by
using the specific communication object 10 (for 2 bytes) and 11 (for 1 byte) will be shown. The Multisensor
device applies a logic for the computation and the sending over the bus of the dew-point temperature
psychrometric value, by means of the combined measurements of temperature and relative humidity.
In Picture 6, the relative humidity sensor is placed in position (2).
Air quality sensor
The integrated air quality sensor applies a dynamic correction algorithm and a set of parameters saved in the
memory, to provide 2 complementary signals of air quality: the first one is the TVOC (Total Volatile Organic
Compound) component, while the second is the CO
The output values are included in a range from 0 and 60000 ppb (parts per billion) for the TVOC signal, while
the CO
equivalent component can fluctuate between 400 and 60000 ppm (parts per million).
The sampling frequence is fixed to 1 Hz for both signal components.
In Picture 6, the air quality sensor is placed in position (3).
Picture 6 - Integrated sensors placement