Application manual
Air quality multisensor and regulator EK-ES2-TP
Release 1.0 - Updated: 14/02/2020
Application Manual
© EKINEX S.p.A. - All rights reserved
Page 17
Input variables
The data that the device usesin its control algorithms and /or to be displayed may come from:
• the internal sensors;
• the KNX bus through standard Communication Objects.
The processed data can also be transmitted on the KNX bus as Communication Objects. The classification of
the input variables is shown in Table 2.
Coming from
Room temperature
Internal sensor
Analogic value for thermoregulation functions – Object
2 (2 bytes)
Room relative humidity
Analogic value for thermoregulation functions – Object
10 (2 bytes) and Object 11 (1 byte)
Analogic value for thermoregulation functions – Object
138 (2 bytes)
Analogic value for thermoregulation functions – Object
9 (2 bytes)
Room temperature
KNX bus (through
Object 20 (2 bytes)
Object 21 (2 bytes) and Object 22 (1 byte)
Indoor CO
Object 139 (2 bytes)
Antistratification temperature
Object 23 (2 bytes)
Outdoor temperature
Object 24 (2 bytes)
Exchange coil temperature
Object 25 (2 bytes)
Floor surface temperature
Object 26 (2 bytes)
Conveying fluid flow temperature
Object 27 (2 bytes)
Presence of condensation
Object 33 (1 bit)
Window state (open/close)
Objects 28 and 29 (1 bit)
Presence of people in the room
Objects 30 and 31 (1 bit)
Card holder state (badge in/out)
Object 32 (1 bit)
Table 2 - Input variables from internal sensors, physical inputs and standard communication objects
The device does not have outputs for direct switching or control of heating
cooling terminals or for status or
values signalling. The output variables include exclusively communication objects that are sent on the bus,
received and processed by KNX actuators (general-purpose or dedicated to HVAC applications).