Chapter 4—System Configuration and Commissioning
Power Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay
MN042003EN—January 2019
Any Modbus serial master can be connected to the optional RS-485 port or to
either Micro USB port to modify any parameter that is a read/write parameter. A
complete C445 Modbus Register Map is in
Appendix D
of this manual.
Any Modbus TCP Ethernet master can be used to commission a C445 provided an
optional Ethernet card is installed in the C445 Base Control Module. Any read/write
parameters may be modified using the Modbus Register Map in
Appendix D
this manual.
The Ethernet card for the C445 also supports EtherNet/IP. An EtherNet/IP master
can configure C445 parameters via explicit messages. Refer to
Appendix C
EtherNet/IP section for additional information.
If a PROFIBUS option card is installed in the C445 Base Control Module, read/write
parameters can be modified via the Configuration file sent from the master each
time a connection is established to the C445 or from PROFIBUS DP V1 acyclic
messages sent from the master. The C445 PROFIBUS Card supports both DP V0
and DP V1 PROFIBUS features. Refer to
Appendix C
the PROFIBUS section for
additional information.
Optional Real-Time Clock and memory backup module (RTC module) continually
reads the C445 configuration and downloads it to a replacement unit. This module
is discussed in more detail later in this section.