Managing VLANs
Unified Wired and Wireless Access System
Oct. 2015
Page 189
D-Link UWS User Manual
VLAN Port Summary
Use the VLAN Port Summary page to view VLAN configuration information for all the ports on the system.
To access the VLAN Port Summary page, click
LAN > Monitoring
> VLAN Summary > VLAN Port Summary
the navigation menu.
Figure 98: VLAN Port Summary
• Click
to reload the page and view the most current information.
Table 84: VLAN Port Summary Fields
Identifies the physical interface associated with the rest of the data in the row.
Port VLAN ID Configured
Identifies the VLAN ID assigned to untagged or priority-tagged frames
received on this port. The factory default is 1.
Port VLAN ID Current
Displays the actual VLAN ID in use for the port. If the port was acquired by
another module, the actual value may differ from the configured VLAN ID. For
example, if the port is a member of a port channel and the port channel has a
different port VLAN ID setting than the configured value, then the two may
Acceptable Frame Types
Indicates how the port handles untagged and priority tagged frames.
VLAN Only:
The port discards any untagged or priority tagged frames it
Admit All:
Untagged and priority tagged frames received on the port are
accepted and assigned the value of the Port VLAN ID for this port.
Ingress Filtering
Shows how the port handles tagged frames.
A tagged frame is discarded if this port is not a member of the
VLAN identified by the VLAN ID in the tag.
All tagged frames are accepted, which is the factory default.
Port Priority
Identifies the default 802.1p priority assigned to untagged packets arriving at
the port.