16. USART 2
A96G140/A96G148/A96A148 User’s manual
If 9-bit characters are used (USIZE[2:0] = 7), the ninth bit is stored in RX8 bit field in the UCTRL3
register. The 9th bit must be read from the RX8 bit before reading the low 8 bits from the UDATA register.
Likewise, error flags FE, DOR, PE must be read before reading data from UDATA register. This is
because the error flags are stored in the same FIFO position of the receive buffer.
Receiver flag and interrupt
The USART2 Receiver has one flag that indicates the Receiver state. Receive Complete (RXC) flag
indicates whether there are unread data present in the receive buffer. This flag is set when there are
unread data in the receive buffer and cleared when the receive buffer is empty. If the Receiver is
disabled (RXE=0), the receiver buffer is flushed and the RXC flag is cleared.
When Receive Complete Interrupt Enable (RXCIE) bit in the UCTRL2 register is set and Global Interrupt
is enabled, USART2 Receiver Complete Interrupt is generated while RXC flag is set.
The USART2 Receiver has three error flags such as Frame Error (FE), Data OverRun (DOR) and Parity
Error (PE). These error flags can be read from USTAT register. As data received are stored in the 2-
level receive buffer, these error flags are also stored in the same position of receive buffer. So, before
reading received data from UDATA register, read the USTAT register first which contains error flags.
Frame Error (FE) flag indicates the state of the first stop bit. The FE flag is set when the stop bit was
correctly detected as “1”, and the FE flag is cleared when the stop bit was incorrect, i.e. detected as “0”.
This flag can be used for detecting out-of-sync conditions between data frames.
Data Over Run (DOR) flag indicates data loss due to a receive buffer’s full condition. The DOR occurs
when the receive buffer is full, and another new data is present in the receive shift register which are to
be stored into the receive buffer. After the DOR flag is set, all the incoming data are lost. To prevent
data loss or clear this flag, read the receive buffer.
Parity Error (PE) flag indicates that the frame in the receive buffer had a Parity Error when received. If
Parity Check function is not enabled (UPM[1] = 0), the PE bit is always read “0”.
NOTE: The error flags related to the receive operation are not used when USART2 is in SPI mode.
Parity checker
If Parity bit is enabled (UPM[1]=1), Parity Checker calculates parity of data bits of incoming frames and
compares the result with the parity bit of the received serial frame.
Disabling receiver
In contrast to Transmitter, disabling the Receiver by clearing RXE bit makes the Receiver inactive
immediately. When the Receiver is disabled the Receiver flushes the receive buffer and the remaining
data in the buffer is all reset. Function of USART2 is not overridden on the RXD2 pin, so the RXD2 pin