The Volume control in the shell adjusts the overall output of the instrument. This is the
instrument's master level, and can boost or attenuate the output of the ampli er sections.
The Vib switch turns the vibrato effect on or off, while the percentage slider next to it adjusts
the amplitude of the vibrato. Analog's vibrato effect is essentially an additional LFO, but is
hardwired to the pitch of both oscillators. The Rate slider sets the speed of the vibrato.
Turning on the vibrato effect enables the four additional Vibrato parameters in the display.
The Delay slider sets how long it will take for the vibrato to start after the note begins, while
Attack sets how long it takes for the vibrato to reach full intensity.
The Error slider adds a certain amount of random deviation to the Rate, Amount, Delay and
Attack parameters for the vibrato applied to each polyphonic voice.
The Amt<MW slider adjusts how much the modulation wheel will affect the vibrato intensity.
This control is relative to the value set by the Amount percentage slider in the shell.
The Uni switch in the shell turns on the unison effect, which stacks multiple voices for each
note played. The Detune slider next to this switch adjusts the amount of tuning variation
applied to each stacked voice.
Turning on the unison effect enables the two additional Unison parameters in the display.
The Voices chooser selects between two or four stacked voices, while the Delay slider
increases the lag time before each stacked voice is activated.
The Gli switch turns the glide effect on or off. This is used to make the pitch slide between
notes rather than changing immediately. With Legato enabled, the sliding will only occur if
the second note is played before the rst note is released. The Time slider sets the overall
speed of the slide.
Turning on the glide effect enables an additional Glide Mode chooser in the display. Se-
lecting Const causes the glide time to be constant regardless of interval. Choosing Prop
(proportional) causes the glide time to be proportional to the interval between the notes.
Large intervals will glide slower than small intervals.
The Keyboard section in the display contains all of Analog's polyphony and tuning parame-
ters. The Voices chooser sets the available polyphony, while Priority determines which notes
will be cut off when the maximum polyphony is exceeded. When Priority is set to High,
new notes that are higher than currently sustained notes will have priority, and notes will be
cut off starting from the lowest pitch. Low is the opposite. A Priority setting of Last gives