The Overdrive Effect.
Overdrive is a distortion effect that pays homage to some classic pedal devices commonly
used by guitarists. Unlike many distortion units, it can be driven extremely hard without
sacri cing dynamic range.
The distortion stage is preceded by a bandpass lter that can be controlled with an X-Y
controller. To de ne the lter bandwidth, click and drag on the vertical axis. To set the
position of the frequency band, click and drag on the horizontal axis. These parameters can
also be set via the slider boxes below the X-Y display.
The Drive control sets the amount of distortion. Note that 0% does
mean zero distortion!
Tone acts as a post-distortion EQ control. At higher values, the signal has more high-
frequency content.
The Dynamics slider allows you to adjust how much compression is applied as the distortion
is increased. At low settings, higher distortion amounts result in an increase in internal
compression and make-up gain. At higher settings, less compression is applied.
The Dry/Wet control adjusts the balance between the processed and dry signals. Set it to
100 percent if using Overdrive in a return track.