Display and Shell
Parameters for the two
Analog's two multi-mode lters come equipped with a exible routing architecture, multiple
saturation options and a variety of modulation possibilities. As with the oscillators, all
parameters can be set independently for each lter.
The Fil 1 and Fil 2 switches in the shell toggle the respective lter on and off. The chooser
next to the lter activator selects the lter type from a selection of 2nd and 4th order
low-pass, band-pass, notch, high-pass and formant lters.
The resonance frequency of the lter is adjusted with the Freq knob in the shell, while the
amount of resonance is adjusted with the Reso control. When a formant lter is chosen in
the chooser, the Reso control cycles between vowel sounds.
Below each mode chooser is an additional control which differs between the two lters. In
Filter 1, the To F2 slider allows you to adjust the amount of Filter 1's output that will be
sent to Filter 2. The Slave switch below Filter 2's mode chooser causes this lter's cutoff
frequency to follow the cutoff of Filter 1. If this is enabled, Filter 2's cutoff knob controls the
amount of offset between the two cutoff amounts. If any of Analog's modulation sources
are controlling Filter 1's cutoff, Filter 2 will also be affected by them when Slave is enabled.
In addition to the
controls, the displays for the lters contain various modulation
parameters and the Drive chooser. Cutoff frequency and resonance can be independently
modulated by LFO, note pitch and lter envelope via the sliders in the Freq Mod and Res
Mod sections respectively. Positive modulation values will increase the cutoff or resonance
amounts, while negative values will lower them.
The Drive chooser in the display selects the type of saturation applied to the lter output.