Chapter 20
Working with Video
Live's exible architecture makes it the perfect choice for scoring to video. You can trim
video clips to select parts of them and use
Warp Markers
to visually align music in the
Arrangement View with the video. You can then
your edited video le along with
your audio.
Before diving in, you will want to be familiar with the concepts presented in the
Control and Warping
If you are interested in syncing Live with external video equipment, you'll also want to read
the chapter on
Importing Video
Live can import movies in Apple QuickTime format (.mov) to be used as video clips. Movie
les appear in Live's File Browser alongside audio les and Live Sets, and can be imported
in the same way, by simply dragging them into the Live Set.
Note that Live will only display video for video clips residing in the Arrangement View.
Movie les that are loaded into the Session View are treated as audio clips.