adjusted with the Fing Mass and Fing Stiff knobs, which set the force the nger applies
to the string and the nger's stiffness, respectively. The Mass amount can be additionally
modulated by velocity or note pitch via the sliders. The stiffness of the fret is modelled with
the Fret Stiff parameter.
The Pickup Section
Tension's Pickup Section.
The Pickup section models an electromagnetic pickup, similar to the type found in an electric
guitar or electric piano. The only control here is the Position slider, which functions similarly
to this parameter in the Excitator and Damper sections. At 0%, the pickup is located at
the string's termination point, while at 50% it is under the midpoint of the string. Lower
values generally result in a brighter, thinner sound, while higher values have more fullness
and depth.
The Pickup section can be toggled on or off via the switch next to its name.