rendering to a le with the same bit depth as the original results in complete phase
rendering to a le with a higher bit depth than the original results in complete phase
rendering to a le with a lower bit depth than the original results in the smallest amount
of distortion possible within a 32-bit system.
Matching sample rate/no transposition
Playback of an unstretched audio le in Live is a neutral operation, provided that the le's
sample rate is the same as that set in Live's Preferences and that the le is played back
without transposition. This is veri ed by cancellation tests of rendered output. Please note
that playback in this context refers only to the audio within Live, prior to the point at which
it reaches your audio hardware.
Unstretched Beats/Tones/Texture/Re-Pitch Warping
If the tempo of a Clip is the same as the tempo of the Set, that clip will play back unstretched.
In this case, if the
Warp mode
of the Clip is set to Beats, Tones, Texture or Re-Pitch (but not
Complex or Complex Pro), playback will be neutral. Any Warping caused by changing the
Set's tempo is non-permanent, and audio that plays back unwarped at a given tempo will
always play back unwarped at that tempo, even if the tempo is changed and then changed
back. For example, if you've recorded some tracks at 120 BPM, but then decide you'd like
to slow the tempo down to record a particularly dif cult solo passage, the original tracks
will play back neutrally again after returning the tempo to 120 BPM. Only the recording
made at the slower tempo will be stretched. Please note that
work by modifying
the positions of Warp markers. This means that playback of audio clips with groove applied
will be non-neutral even at the original tempo.
The neutrality of unstretched clip playback is veri ed by performing cancellation tests on
rendered output.