As you raise and lower the Volume slider, you can observe the dot following your movement
in a relative fashion.
Modulating the track's Send controls is just as easy. Again, the modulation is a relative
percentage: The clip envelope cannot open the send further than the Send knob, but it can
reduce the actual send value to minus in nite dB.
Modulating a Send. The
Send Knob's Position
Ring Indicates the
Modulated Value.
Modulating Pan
The Pan envelope affects the mixer pan stage in a relative way: The pan knob's position
determines the intensity of the modulation. With the pan knob set to the center position,
modulation by the clip envelope can reach from hard left to hard right; the modulation
amount is automatically reduced as you move the pan knob towards the left or right. When
the pan knob is turned all the way to the left, for instance, the pan clip envelope has no
effect at all.
Modulating Device Controls
All devices in a clip's track are listed in the upper clip envelope Device chooser. Modulating
the devices' controls works just as you would expect. When modulating device controls, it
is important to keep the interaction of clip envelopes and device settings in mind: Unlike
device preset
, the clip envelope cannot de ne the values for the devices' controls, it can
them relative to their current setting.
MIDI Controller Clip Envelopes
Whether you are working with a new MIDI clip that was
directly into Live, or one
from your les, Live allows you to edit and create MIDI controller data for the clip in the
form of clip envelopes.