Adjusting a parameter in the plug-in's oating window creates temporary entries for
that parameter in the clip envelope and automation choosers, as well as the choosers
in the panel's X-Y eld. These entries are removed when you adjust another param-
eter. To make the entry permanent (thus adding it to Live's panel), either edit the
parameter's automation or clip envelope, select another parameter in the automation
or clip envelope choosers or select the temporary parameter in one of the X-Y eld's
When a parameter is changed on a plug-in's edit window during recording, automation
data is recorded automatically. When recording is stopped, the automated parameters
are automatically added to Live's panels for any plug-ins that were adjusted.
When in MIDI, key or Macro mapping mode, adjusting any parameter in the plug-in's
window will create it in Live's panel. The new panel entry will be automatically selected,
allowing you to map it immediately.
Once a plug-in is placed in a track and you have (optionally) con gured its parameters in
Live's panel, you can use it just like a Live device:
You can map MIDI controller messages to all of the parameters in Live's panel.
You can drag or copy the device to different locations in the device chain or to other
tracks, according to the rules of audio effects and instruments.
You can modulate its continuous parameters with clip envelopes.
You can use the multiple I/O features of some plug-ins by assigning them as sources
or targets in the routing setup of tracks. See the
Routing and I/O chapter
for details.
You can create custom
info text
for the plug-in.
Macintosh only:
The oating editor windows of some VST Plug-ins do not receive computer
key strokes. This is generally an implementation error in the plug-in itself. If it is necessary
to type into a plug-in window, for instance for entering a serial number or unlock code, hold
while clicking the Plug-In Edit button. The editor window will then appear as
a normal application window, rather than as a oating window, and receive your typing.
Note that this functionality is intended only as a workaround for the limitations of such plug-
ins. We recommend closing the window after you have nished typing, then reopening it
normally before working with the plug-in parameters.