to every voice in your clip, so notes that originally occurred together will now be
randomly offset both from the grid and from each other.
adjusts how much the velocity of the notes in clips will be affected by the
velocity information stored in the groove le. Note that this slider goes from -100 to
+100. At negative values, the effect of the groove's velocity will be reversed; loud
notes will play quietly and vice versa.
this is a global parameter, and scales the overall intensity of Timing, Random
and Velocity for all of the available groove les. At 100%, the parameters will be
applied at their assigned values. Note that the Amount slider goes up to 130%, which
allows for even more exaggerated groove effects.
Committing Grooves
The Commit Groove
Pressing the Commit button below the
Clip Groove chooser
writes your groove parame-
ters to the clip. For MIDI clips, this moves the notes accordingly. For audio clips, this creates
Warp Markers at the appropriate positions in the clip.
After pressing Commit, the clip's Groove chooser selection is automatically set to None.
Editing Grooves
The effect that groove les have on your clips is a combination of two factors: the parameter
settings made in the Groove Pool and the positions of the notes in the groove les them-
selves. To edit the contents of groove les directly, drag and drop them from the Browser