Pinky Up and Pinky
UpDown .
Thumb Up and
Thumb UpDown .
Play Order places notes in the pattern according to the order in which they are played. This
is therefore only recognizable when more than one chord or note has been played.
In addition to the Arpeggiator styles above, there is a Chord Trigger mode which repeats the
incoming notes as a block chord, as well as three settings for creating random arpeggios:
will produce a continuously randomized sequence of the incoming
MIDI notes.
Random Other
creates random patterns from incoming MIDI notes, but will not repeat
a given note until all other incoming notes have been used.
Random Once
creates one random pattern from incoming MIDI notes and repeats
that pattern until the incoming MIDI changes, at which point a new pattern is created.
Arpeggiator will play the pattern of notes at the speed set by the Rate control, which can
be calibrated in either milliseconds or beat-time using the neighboring Sync/Free button.
With Sync chosen, Arpeggiator will be synced to the song tempo.
A Gate control to the right of Rate determines the length of notes played by Arpeggiator
as a percentage of the current Rate setting. Any setting larger than 100% will therefore play
notes that overlap (i.e., are legato).
The rhythmic pattern generated by Arpeggiator does not necessarily have to be straight;
a selection of groove patterns can be applied with the respective control just beneath the
Mode chooser. Grooves in Arpeggiator behave similarly to
grooves in clips
, and the intensity
of the groove is determined by the Amount slider in the
Groove Pool
With the Hold parameter active, Arpeggiator will continue to play the pattern even after
the keyboard keys have been released. The pattern will be repeated until any other key is
pressed. When Hold is active and any of the original keys also remain physically held, notes