A Second Version of the
Live Set Has Been
Added to the Project.
The Tango Project now contains two Live Sets, and its Samples/Recorded folder contains
the samples used by both of them.
And now for something completely different: We choose the File menu's New command
and record a samba tune. As this has nothing to do with our tango dabblings, we decide
to save it outside the Tango Project folder, say on the Desktop. Live creates a new project
folder named Samba Project next to Tango Project.
A New Project Was
Added Next to Tango
So far we have seen how to create Live Projects and save versions of Live Sets into them.
How do we open a Project? Simply by opening any of its contained Live Sets. Double-
clicking Tango with Piano.als opens that Set and the associated Project
as displayed in
Live's title bar.
Let's suppose that, in the course of our work on Tango with Piano.als, we get sidetracked: