Chapter 2
First Steps
When you install Live and run it for the rst time, you will be presented with an authorization
dialog. Please see the chapter on
authorizing Live
should you have questions or concerns
during the authorization process.
If you do not (yet) own Live, you can still try out all of Live's features, but you will not be able
to save or export your work.
Learn About Live
Live comes with a set of interactive
to take you step by step through the key features
of the program. The lessons are organized in a table of contents, which can be opened
directly in the program via the Help menu. We highly recommend following the lessons.
Many users have told us that the lessons helped them become familiar with the program
very quickly.
We also recommend that you read the
Live Concepts chapter
, which encapsulates every-
thing that Live is and can do, and is therefore a worthwhile read for both beginners and
experienced users. The remaining chapters of this manual serve as in-depth reference for
the material introduced in Live Concepts.