Setting the Clip to Run
Into a Loop.
The Loop Length and Position elds are equipped with Set buttons, which can be used to
create loops spontaneously during playback:
Playing the clip and then clicking the Set Loop Position button moves the beginning
of loop to the current playback position (rounded to the global quantization setting)
and engages the loop. Then, clicking the Set Loop Length button moves the end of
the loop to the current playback position. This lets you capture the music in a loop on
the y.
While the loop is still off, you can click the Set Loop Length button to set the loop
to end at the current playback position without changing its preset length. This
simultaneously activates looping.
The Set buttons, the Loop switch, the loop brace and the start/end markers can all be
mapped to MIDI controls
. You could, for example, use a rotary encoder to move the loop
through a sample in increments the size of the chosen quantization interval.