Condenser Sump Min
Level Short Cycle Failure
Used With: DX cooling w/
water cooled condensers.
Module: MCM
Problem: The Sump Min
Level Input has opened
three times without 60
seconds of continuous
sump pump operation.
Check: Water flow rate,
leaking drain, faulty min
level switch or wiring.
A compressor lockout is
generated on all circuits.
(PMR) A manual reset is
required anytime after the
diagnostic is set to re-
enable compressor
operation. The diagnostic
can be reset by the Human
Interface or Tracer, or by
cycling power to the RTM.
Cond Temp Sensor
Failure (Ckt-1 or Ckt-2)
Used With: DX cooling w/
air cooled condensers.
Module: MCM
Problem: The saturated
condenser temperature
sensor input is out of range
for the given circuit.
Check: Wiring from the
MCM to the temperature
sensor. Removing the plug
from the MCM there should
be no shorts or opens on
the wires, readings should
between 830 ohms and
345k ohms.
All compressors on the
associated circuit will be
locked out and prevented
from operation.
(PAR) An automatic reset
occurs after the Condenser
Temp Sensor input returns
to its allowable range
within 10 seconds.
Dirty Filter
Module: RTM
Problem: The dirty filter
switch input on the RTM has
closed for more than 60
continuous seconds.
Check: Dirty filters,
shorted wiring, failed
switch, tubing.
An Information Only
Diagnostic is set.
(INFO) An automatic reset
occurs after the Dirty Filter
input reopens for 60
continuous seconds.
Dirty Final Filter
Module: RTMS
Problem: The dirty final
filter switch input on the
RTM has closed for more
than 60 continuous
Check: Dirty filters,
shorted wiring, failed
switch, tubing.
An Information Only
diagnostic is set.
(INFO) An automatic reset
occurs after the Recovery
Filter proving switch input
reopens for 60 continuous
Dirty Recovery Filter
Module: MPM
Problem: The dirty
recovery filter switch input
on the MPM has closed for
more than 60 continuous
Check: Dirty filters,
shorted wiring, failed
switch, tubing.
An Information Only
diagnostic is set.
(INFO) An automatic reset
occurs after the Recovery
Filter proving switch input
reopens for 60 continuous
Table 11: Diagnostics Troubleshooting Chart (continued)