Sun Microelectronics
PCON, see Processor Configuration (PCON) field of
UPA_CONFIG register
PContext field 57
PCR Cycle_cnt function 321
PCR DC_hit function 323
PCR DC_ref function 323
PCR Dispatch0_dyn_use function 323
PCR Dispatch0_ICmiss function 322
PCR Dispatch0_mispred function 322
PCR Dispatch0_static_use function 322
PCR EC_hit function 324
PCR EC_ref function 324
PCR EC_snoop_inv function 324
PCR EC_snoop_wb function 324
PCR EC_wb function 324
PCR EC_write_hit_clean function 324
PCR IC_hit function 323
PCR IC_ref function 323
PCR Instr_cnt function 321
PCR/PIC operational flow
illustrated 321
PDIST instruction 221
PEF, see Enable Floating-Point (PEF) field of
PSTATE register
PERF_COUNTER register 157
instrumentation 319
Performance Control Register (PCR) 319
illustrated 320
performance counters
for monitoring I-Cache accesses and
misses 266
Performance Instrumentation Counter (PIC) 319
Performance Instrumentation Counters (PIC)
illustrated 320
physical address 21, 357, 359, 362
Physical Address (PA) field of TTE 43
physical address data watchpoint 306
Physical Address Data Watchpoint Read Enable
(PR) field of LSU_Control_Register 308
Physical Address Data Watchpoint Write Enable
(PW) field of LSU_Control_Register 308
physical address space
accessing 145
size 3
physical memory 362
physical page attribute bits
MMU bypass mode 68
physical page number 21
physical tags 77
physical-indexed, physical-tagged (PIPT)
cache 18
physically indexed cache 6
physically indexed, physically tagged (PIPT) 17
Physically Indexed, Physically Tagged (PIPT)
cache 94
physically noncacheable accesses 19
PIL, see Processor Interrupt Level (PIL) field of
PSTATE register
PINT_RDQ, see Number of Incoming Interrupt
Requests (PINT_RDQ) field of UPA_
CONFIG register
PINT_RDQ, see Number of Incoming Interrupt
Requests (PINT_RDQ) field of UPA_PORT_
ID register
PINT_RQ transaction 153
pipeline 3 to 4
9-stage 11
extended floating-point 11
floating-point 7, 11
integer 7, 11
stall 39
stalls 13
pipeline flushing 18
pipeline stages
illustrated 11
pipeline stages (detailed)
illustrated 12
pipelined loads to E-Cache
illustrated 276
decoupling 40
pixel compare instructions 217
pixel data
operations on 3
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