Sun Microelectronics
Instruction Set Summary
The UltraSPARC CPU implements both the standard SPARC-V9 instruction set
and a number of implementation-dependent extended instructions. Standard
SPARC-V9 instructions are documented in The SPARC Architecture Manual, Ver-
sion 9. UltraSPARC extended instructions are documented in Chapter 13,
“UltraSPARC Extended Instructions.”
Table 12-1 lists the complete UltraSPARC instruction set. A check (
) in the “Ext”
column indicates that the instruction is an UltraSPARC extension; the absence of
a check indicates a SPARC-V9 core instruction. The “Ref” column lists the section
number that contains the instruction documentation. SPARC-V9 core instructions
are documented in The SPARC Architecture Manual, Version 9; UltraSPARC exten-
sions are documented in this manual.
The first printing of The SPARC Architecture Manual, Version 9 contains
two sections numbered A.31; the subsequent sections in Appendix A are
misnumbered. For convenience, Table 12-1 on page 190 of this manual follows
this incorrect numbering scheme. When The SPARC Architecture Manual, Version 9
is corrected, Table 12-1 will be changed to match the correct numbering.
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