Design and function
Super-Vitesse CFS 3101, 3501 / Super-Vitesse CFS 3101 DO, 3501 DO 10.13
Cutting unit
The cutting unit (1) engages into the conveyor
duct (2). The cutting unit can be extended into
and retracted from the conveyor duct by means
of two double-acting hydraulic cylinders (3)
actuated via the control set:
for elimination of blockages,
for return of cutting knives evaded to the
rear to their original position,
for removal and installation of cutting
The number of cutting knives (4) mounted in the
cutting unit determines the cutting length of the
loaded material. 36 cutting knives can be
mounted. The shortest theoretical cutting length
is then 39 mm.
Fig. 18
Blunt cutting knives (1) can be turned over once.
Thus, the grinding interval doubles.
Each individual cutting knife is able to evade
foreign objects. If a cutting knife encounters a
foreign object, it will evade to the rear and remain
in that position. This knife security system
protects the cutting knives against damage.
In order to return the cutting knife to its working
position, the cutting unit must be completely
retracted and extended once.
Fig. 19
The knife bag (1) for unused cutting knives or
spare cutting knives is positioned at the right-
hand front of the axle support close to the parking
Fig. 20