Super-Vitesse CFS 3101, 3501 / Super-Vitesse CFS 3101 DO, 3501 DO 10.13
Set operating height
Loaded material and ground condition determine the operating height of the pick-up.
Set the operating height of the pick-up at the same level by means of
the roller feelers. The spring-loaded tines must not scratch the
ground. The distance between the spring-loaded tines and the ground
should be approx. 10
20 mm.
The boreholes of the perforated strut of the pick
up spindle serve to
preset the operating height of the pick-up, while its fine adjustment is
carried out by means of the pick-up spindle:
Bottom borehole = highest operating height of pick-up
Top borehole = lowest operating height of pick-up
Pick-up spindle unscrewed = highest operating height of pick-up
Pick-up spindle screwed in = lowest operating height of pick-up
1. Lift the pick-up (1).
2. Secure tractor and machine against
accidental starting and rolling.
3. Remove the bottom linch pin of the pick-up
spindle (2).
4. Use one hand to hold up the supporting
tube (3) of the roller feeler (4), while using
your other hand to hang the perforated strut
of the pick-up spindle into the desired
5. Secure the pick-up spindle by means of the
bottom linch pin.
Fig. 89
Set additional roller feelers
Risk of crushing, shearing and risk of impact when lowering and
lifting the pick-up!
Make sure that people leave the hazardous area of the pick-up before
lowering or lifting the pick-up.
The height and the load-bearing capacity of the additional roller
feelers are set by means of the spindle:
Spindle unscrewed = Additional roller feelers carry more weight
Spindle screwed in = Additional roller feelers carry less weight