Super-Vitesse CFS 3101, 3501 / Super-Vitesse CFS 3101 DO, 3501 DO 10.13 Lift folding drawbar
Leave the key button in its upper switch
position until the folding drawbar has been
lifted to the desired position or has reached
its end position.
The ground clearance of the pick-up is
increased. Lower folding drawbar
Leave the key button in its lower switch
position until the folding drawbar has been
lowered to the desired position or has
reached its end position.
The ground clearance of the pick-up is
reduced. Retract cutting unit
Leave the key button in its lower switch
position until the end position has been
The cutting unit is retracted from the
conveyor duct.
The control lamp H3 ("Cutting unit
retracted") lights up as soon as the cutting
unit is retracting.
If the control lamp H3 ("Cutting knives retracted") lights up during
at least one cutting knife has been retracted from the conveyor
duct due to a foreign object,
the cutting unit is heavily soiled.
One or several cutting knives retracted from the conveyor duct
Swivel the cutting unit completely out of the conveyor duct and in again with the feeder rotor running.