Section 12 Serial Communication Interface (SCI)
Rev. 3.00 Mar. 14, 2006 Page 442 of 804
12.9 Usage
12.9.1 Module
Stop Mode Setting
Operation of the SCI can be disabled or enabled using the module stop control register. The initial
setting is for operation of the SCI to be halted. Register access is enabled by clearing module stop
mode. For details, refer to section 19, Power-Down Modes.
Break Detection and Processing
When framing error detection is performed, a break can be detected by reading the RxD pin value
directly. In a break, the input from the RxD pin becomes all 0s, and so the FER flag is set, and the
PER flag may also be set. Note that, since the SCI continues the receive operation even after
receiving a break, even if the FER flag is cleared to 0, it will be set to 1 again.
Mark State and Break Detection
When the TE bit is 0, the TxD pin is used as an I/O port whose direction (input or output) and
level are determined by DR and DDR. This can be used to set the TxD pin to mark state (high
level) or send a break during serial data transmission. To maintain the communication line in mark
state (the state of 1) until TE is set to 1, set both DDR and DR to 1. Since the TE bit is cleared to 0
at this point, the TxD pin becomes an I/O port, and 1 is output from the TxD pin. To send a break
during serial transmission, first set DDR to 1 and DR to 0, and then clear the TE bit to 0. When the
TE bit is cleared to 0, the transmitter is initialized regardless of the current transmission state, the
TxD pin becomes an I/O port, and 0 is output from the TxD pin.
Receive Error Flags and Transmit Operations (Clocked Synchronous Mode Only)
Transmission cannot be started when a receive error flag (ORER, FER, or RER) is set to 1, even if
the TDRE flag is cleared to 0. Be sure to clear the receive error flags to 0 before starting
transmission. Note also that the receive error flags cannot be cleared to 0 even if the RE bit is
cleared to 0.
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