Section 17 Flash Memory (0.18-(m F-ZTAT Version)
Rev. 3.00 Mar. 14, 2006 Page 635 of 804
The selection commands, which are device selection (H'10), clock mode selection (H'11), and new
bit rate selection (H'3F), should be sent from the host in that order. When two or more selection
commands are sent at once, the last command will be valid.
All of these commands, except for the boot program status inquiry command (H'4F), will be valid
until the boot program receives the programming/erasing transition (H'40). The host can choose
the needed commands and make inquiries while the above commands are being transmitted. H'4F
is valid even after the boot program has received H'40.
Supported Device Inquiry
The boot program will return the device codes of supported devices and the product code in
response to the supported device inquiry.
Command H'20
Command, H'20, (one byte): Inquiry regarding supported devices
Number of devices
Device code
Product name
Response, H'30, (one byte): Response to the supported device inquiry
Size (one byte): Number of bytes to be transmitted, excluding the command, size, and
checksum, that is, the amount of data contributes by the number of devices, characters, device
codes and product names
Number of devices (one byte): The number of device types supported by the boot program
Number of characters (one byte): The number of characters in the device codes and boot
program's name
Device code (four bytes): ASCII code of the supporting product
Product name (n bytes): Type name of the boot program in ASCII-coded characters
SUM (one byte): Checksum
The checksum is calculated so that the total number of all values from the command byte to
the SUM byte becomes H'00.
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