Main Menu
Features and MenuCards
MenuCard “Applications”
This MenuCard is only shown if the system administrator has set up additional
programme packages for your communications system and you have the
user authorisation to use these programmes.
1 Voicebox
: This menu is only available to you if the
Forum Voicemail
programme package has been installed in your communications system and if
the system administrator has configured a voicebox for you. See the
“Forum Voicemail” user guide for further information.
2 Hotel
: This menu is only available to you if the
Forum Hotel
package has been installed in your communications system and if your tele-
phone is the receptions telephone. See the “Forum Hotel” user guide for
further information.
3 Server menu
: Your communications system can also be extended via third-
party programmes. It is possible to use individual functions of these
programmes with your system telephone. The
3 Server menu
menu entry will
be offered to you in this case. For further information, please consult the
respective programme documentation.
: This menu is only offered if the
Forum ACD
internal application in
your communications system is activated and if you are an agent of one or
multiple ACD groups. If your system administrator has granted you the corre-
sponding authorisations, you can operate this application via this menu. Refer
to the “Forum ACD” guide for detailed information.
MenuCard “Central Settings”
In this MenuCard you can define rules and settings for your system’s time
management. You can only access this MenuCard if the system administrator
has configured the required authorisations for your user group.
. To edit the telephone book entry,
simply overwrite the current details. Proceed exactly as
described above in the section
Creating a New Telephone
Book Entry
starting on page 127.