General Functions
The state-dependent MenuCards are illustrated at the end of each of the
following sections.
As a rule, the features are only available to you if they can
actually be executed.
MenuCard “Selection” in the Idle State
press the MenuCard key (this also works if you have already
lifted the handset), then select the following from the
MenuCard …
Unpark call
: Consecutively unparks one or more connections which you have
previously parked, for instance to make enquiries or forward calls (see
MenuCard “Conversation”
starting on page 64). Select the parked call desired
from the list offered. Confirm with the key
: Accepts a call for another telephone in your pick-up group.
Pick-up select…
: Accepts a call for any other telephone. To do this, enter the
call number of the other telephone. If the other telephone is already in the
call state (e. g. an answering machine is in announcement mode), you pick up
the call. The subscriber for whom you picked up the call must belong to a
user group for which “Call removal” authorisation is activated, otherwise you
will not be able to use the “Pick-up selective” function.
If the called subscriber is a member of a user group for which
pick-up protection is active, “Pick-up” and “Pick-up selective”
are not possible.
: You accept a current call from a different terminal at your telephone
and continue your call on your telephone. The prerequisite is that your tele-
phone and the other terminal have the same internal call number. You can
also programme the function “Take” to a feature key (see also
Functions (Features)
starting on page 134).
: After entering the call number, you can initiate an
announcement to another system telephone, or on a group of system tele-
: After entering the device ID, you can initiate an announcement to a
system terminal. The microphone is activated on the terminal called
and the person you are calling can immediately answer your announcement.