Quantum and Evolution Series Installation and Operating Handbook
13.14 Traffic
Over 6000 entries
Entry Format
Fault message with time and date stamp.
Separate entry when fault clears/changes.
13.15 Common
Interface Loop (Local and Remote)
Framer Loop (Local)
RS Loop (Local)
FEC Loop (Local)
Deframer/Framer Loop (Remote)
Internal IF loopback (local, automatically matching
Rx IF frequency to Tx)
Test Modes
Transmit CW (Pure Carrier)
Transmit Alternate 1-0 Pattern
Wideband spectrum analyzer display
Alarm Relays
4 Independent Change-Over Contacts:
Unit Fault,
Rx Traffic Fault
Tx Traffic Fault,
Deferred Alarm (backward alarm, BER or Eb/No
below user set threshold)
Motorola PowerPC
Embedded Software
Revised embedded software may be downloaded
into FLASH memory via Ethernet port with modem
remaining in equipment rack.
Configuration Memories
20 configurations can be stored and recalled from
the front panel or remote M&C. Memories can be
labeled with text string to aid identification.
User Interface
Clear and intuitive operator interface with plain
English dialogue (other languages supported).
Graphic display, backlit, high contrast, wide angle
LCD. 17 key tactile full keyboard.
Remote Monitor and
For multi-drop applications, RS485 interface.
For direct to PC applications, RS232 interface
(front panel selectable). M&C port may be directly
internally linked to ESC port for “over-the-satellite”
M&C without cabling.
Ethernet (10/100 BaseT) via RJ45, embedded Web
server, SNMP agent V1, V2c.
Redundancy Features
1:1 redundancy controller built in. “Y” cables
passively split data maintaining impedances. IF
inputs/outputs are passively split/combined outside
the units. Off-line unit tri-states data outputs and
mutes Tx carrier.