Quantum and Evolution Series Installation and Operating Handbook
towards the terrestrial interface. Remote loopback refers to returning remote signals
traveling in the direction of the terrestrial interface, back towards the satellite interface.
BER test.
This feature provides the ability to inject a test pattern into the modem,
through the main traffic channel or via an overhead channel and to monitor the results,
using the modem’s internal Pseudo-Random-Bit-Sequence (PRBS) Bit Error Rate
(BER) Tester.
This provides two types of signal – a CW (pure carrier) signal and an alternate 1,0
signal – that can be used to test modem operation.
This provides a simple tone generator at 1 KHz @ 0dBm level either towards the
satellite or from satellite.
Allows a one-way satellite delay (in milliseconds) to be entered. This can be used in
modem back-to-back testing to simulate the normal satellite delay. It applies to IP traffic
only. It should always be set to 0 when using IP over satellite.
Test-Loopback Screen
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