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Appendix |EtherCAT Documentation
confocalDT 24x1
A 6.3
Error Codes for SDO Services
In case of a negative evaluation of a SDO requirement, a corresponding error code is
output in “Abort SDO Transfer Protocol“.
Error code
hexadecimal Meaning
0503 0000 Toggle-Bit has not changed.
0504 0000 SDO protocol timeout expired
0504 0001 Invalid command registered
0504 0005 Not enough memory
0601 0000 Access to object (parameter) not supported.
0601 0001 Attempt to write to a “read-only parameter“
0601 0002 Attempt to write to a “read-only parameter“
0602 0000 Object (parameter) is not listed in the object directory.
0604 0041 Object (parameter) is not mapped on PDO
0604 0042 Number or length of objects to be transmitted exceeds PDO length.
0604 0043 General parameters incompatibility
0604 0047 General internal device incompatibility
0606 0000 Excess denied because of a hardware error
0607 0010 False data type or length of service parameter is incorrect.
0607 0012 False data type or length of service parameter is too large.
0607 0013 False data type or length of service parameter is too small.
0609 0011 Subindex does not exist
0609 0030 Invalid value of parameter (only for write access)
0609 0031 Value of the parameter too large
0609 0032 Value of the parameter too small
0609 0036 Maximum value deceeds minimum value.
0800 0000 General error
0800 0020 Data can not be transmitted or saved in application.
0800 0021 Data can not be transmitted or saved in application, because of local
0800 0022 Data can not be transmitted or saved in application, because device
0800 0023 Dynamic generation of object directory failed or no object directory is