Page 44
confocalDT 24x1
3 In the window on the left you can quickly adjust exposure mode, measuring rate
and recognition threshold (in %). Click
to accept the new values.
(= automatic scaling) or
(= manual setting) allow for scaling the
intensity axis (Y axis) of the graph.
5 From the
Video signal
page, you can launch the
Dark reference
Masked range
directly, see Chap. 5.7.
6 In addition, the current exposure time values and the selected measuring rate are
displayed above the graph.
7 Status Display
Green: OK; data transfer is active
Yellow: data transfer is stopped
Red: sensor connection is disturbed
8 Mouseover feature. When moving the mouse over the graph, curve points or peak
markings are highlighted with a circle symbol while the corresponding intensity is
displayed. The corresponding x position is displayed in % above the graph window.
9 The linearized range is in the diagram between the grey hatchings and can not be
changed. Only peaks of which the centers are in this range can be evaluated. The
masked range may be limited if needed. Then an additional pale blue hatching lim-
its the range on the right and on the left side. The peaks remaining in the resulting
range are used for evaluation.
10 The recognition threshold, based on the dark corrected signal, is a horizontal
straight line that corresponds to the preset value. It needs to be just high enough
that no undesired video signal peak is included in the measurement. An acceptable
signal-to-noise ratio requires the threshold to be as low as possible. The recognition
threshold should not be changed if possible.
11 X axis scaling: The diagram displayed above is zoomable with both sliders on the
right and on the left side in the lower total signal. Move it sideways also with the
mouse in the center of the zoom window (cross arrow).
Fig. 29 Slider zoom: one-sided (left) and dragging with cross arrow (right)
In the state of active triggering, see figure, a trigger
impulse is required that sets off the video signal.
This indicates the display at the top right in the
window. The status display may nevertheless be
green. Exposure time and measuring rate are not
displayed. Recommendation: switch off triggering
while the video signal is displayed.