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Appendix |ASCII Communication with Controller
confocalDT 24x1
A Exposure Mode
SEARCH: Search mode to determine the best exposure time and measurement rate.
MEAS: Exposure time is controlled automatically, measuring rate is fixed. Recommended for measurements.
MANUAL: User can select exposure time and measuring rate.
2TIMEALT: Mode with 2 manually defined exposure times that are used alternately for two distinctly differently high
peaks (for thickness measurements). We recommend using this mode in particular, if the smaller peak disappears
or the higher peak overshoots.
2TIMES: Fastest mode with two manually preset exposure times. The more suitable time is automatically selected.
Recommended to measure distances for fast changing surface properties, such as mirrored or anti-glare glass.
A Measuring Rate
MEASRATE <Measuring rate>
Selects the measuring rate in kHz.
IFC2471: 0.3 kHz ... 70 kHz
IFC2471LED: 0.1 kHz ... 70 kHz
IFC2461: 0.1 kHz ... 25 kHz
IFC2451: 0.1 kHz ... 10 kHz
No more than one decimal place may be specified.
A Exposure Time
SHUTTER <Exposure Time1> [<Exposure Time2>]
Specifies the exposure times for the manual and the two-times exposure mode.
The exposure time is indicated in μs and must be with
IFC2471: between 0.1 μs ... 3333.325 μs.
IFC2461: between 0.1 μs ... 10000 μs.
IFC2451: between 0.1 μs ... 10000 μs.
The exposure time is processed with three decimal places. The minimum increment is 0.025 μs.
A Apply Exposure Time
Apply in the search mode determined exposure times in the exposure time parameters.
A Video Signal Request
Request of video signal via Ethernet interface.
A 5.4.2 Video Signal
A Reduction of Region of Interest
ROI <Start> <End>
Set region of interest. ROI for start and end must be between 0 and 511. The specification is effected in the unit
pixels. “Start” value is smaller than “End” value.
A Video Averaging
NONE: No video signal averaging
REC2, REC4, REC8: Recursive average value over 2, 4 or 8 video signals
MOV2,MOV3,MOV4: Moving average value over 2, 3 or 4 video signals
MED3: Median over 3 video signals