Solar Blue User Manual
Residual urine
The residual urine is defined as the volume of the fluid remaining in the
bladder immediately following the completion of micturition. It can be entered
manually at the end of a cystometry.
Pves max
Pves max is the maximum bladder pressure (Pves) during the investigation.
This parameter is valid as an absolute parameter only if the transducer is
zeroed at atmospheric pressure. This parameter is affected by cough peaks,
which can be eliminated with artifact markers during the investigation and/or
Pdet max
Pdet max is the maximum detrusor pressure during the investigation. The
detrusor pressure is that component of the intravesical pressure that is created
by forces in the bladder wall (passive and active). It is estimated by subtracting
abdominal pressure from intravesical pressure. However, artifacts on the
detrusor pressure trace may be produced by intrinsic rectal contractions.
These can be eliminated with artifact markers during the investigation or
MUP is the maximum urethral pressure in the urethra during an investigation.
Pabd. max
Pabd. max is the maximum pressure measured in the abdomen during the
Bladder filling, vesical pressure, and detrusor pressure at sensation
For all sensation markers present in a cystometry, the bladder filling, the
vesical pressure, and the detrusor pressure will be determined and displayed
on the result screen (Figure 5.2).
Figure 5.2
Cystometry sensation results